Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Fellowship is intended to provide support to those who are within 12 months of completing their PhD, to support them in consolidating their PhD, and preparing them for the next stage of their research careers.

About the Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme

Each year the Cambridge ESRC DTP invites applications for up to seven Postdoctoral Fellowships, to be based within the Cambridge ESRC DTP’s participating departments.

The Fellowship is intended to provide support to those who are within 12 months of completing their PhD, to support them in consolidating their PhD, and preparing them for the next stage of their research careers.

For the majority this is likely to be a research career in academia; however, those with a clearly articulated programme of activities to support their transition to a research career outside of academia (eg a researcher in public, private, or civil society organisations) will also be considered.

The grants provide funding for up to one year full-time, or up to two years part-time to give fellows time to prepare for a successful career in research either within or beyond academia.

Applications can be supported on a part-time basis, but Fellows must devote 100% of their contracted time to the Fellowship. This can include contributions to teaching, subject to restrictions specified by ESRC.

Fellowships are bound by the same conditions as ESRC standard grants: